Category: Blog


Random thoughts…

  • In the long run, improving yourself is easier than running from yourself.
  • As far as responsibility is concerned, there are two types of people out there: those who run away when they face responsibility, and those who decide to accept responsibility, and then they grow.
  • The problem with humans is that they believe in freedom and responsibility: THEIR freedom and SOMEONE ELSE’s responsibility.
  • Superficiality is the birthplace of bad ideas.
  • People like to use words such as “luck” to explain other people’s success and “bad luck” to justify their own failures.
  • The “I Am Different” paradox: when everyone is trying so hard to be different, they all end up being alike.
    Stop it, folks. The world can’t handle any more special people.
  • If you are easily surprised, it means you lack experience.
  • 2 words that can help you deal with any situation: “Who cares?”
  • Stupidity is an illness in which a person thinks he’s smarter than everyone else.
  • Rage is the most authentic expression of helplessness. – (from “Needless Thinking about Needs”)
  • The ability to always tell the truth is a reflection of the ultimate power.
  • It is the things that we can’t see and we’re not aware of that have the greatest power over us.- from “Needless Thinking about Needs”
  • Stupidity and bad taste are monozygotic twins.
  • “It wasn’t meant to be” is the most common way of saying “I screwed it up”.
  • There is only one animal more dangerous than a madman: a stupid man. (from “Something Is Wrong”)
  • Unfortunately, intelligence doesn’t always come with the ability to use it.
  • So often, people are (mis)guided by prejudices, and they proudly call it intuition.
  • Happiness comes from the ability to maintain a balance between “control yourself, you idiot” and “relax, you silly”.
  • Bragging shows the exact opposite of what you want it to show, especially when you are trying to make it look like you’re not bragging.
  • Great people never forget how small they are.
  • I am worried that sarcasm will die out; perhaps we will even be forced to laugh at politically correct jokes.
  • So many people are running away from freedom. They think that by running away from freedom they will also escape responsibility.
  • Make them believe they have ‘freedom to’, and they won’t even notice that they have no ‘freedom from’.- (from ‘Something Is Wrong’)
  • “We have developed an entire field of pseudo-science teaching people how to be happy. It’s the same as trying to teach people how to breathe” – from “Something is Wrong”
  • There are societies where you can’t be taken seriously if you are not old, ugly and angry – preferably at the same time.
  • For power, you need two things: independence and indifference.
  • Most of the time, the way of perceiving things is far more powerful than facts. If we know that we are more likely to die in a car than in a plane, then why do people applaud when their plane lands, and no one applauds a taxi driver when he brings them to their destination?
  • If you need religion to keep you from doing wrong things – that’s the wrong thing.
  • The only way to love people, deeply and sincerely, is to not take them seriously.
  • You can tell that a viewpoint is wrong if it is shared by the majority.
  • If you have decided to always tell the whole truth, be prepared to be alone.
  • La debilidad del hombre se refleja mejor en lo que odia que en lo que ama.
  • Man’s weakness is better reflected in what he hates than in what he loves.
  • “Fear is not always bad. Fear is the basis of most, if not all other sentiments. It can make people think and act any way you want them to.” (from “Something Is Wrong”)
  • It is not wrong to live in accordance with your beliefs; however, it often happens that those beliefs are incorrect. In such cases, living by them is terribly wrong, even fatal. (from “Something Is Wrong”)
  • Most people hold the strongest beliefs in things that are impossible to prove. (from Humanoid)
  • Unpleasant truths are often life-changing and sometimes life-saving. Be grateful to those friends who tell you unpleasant truths, the same way you would be grateful to a doctor who gives you bad news in order to save your life.
  • [Most] humans are weak and lying creatures.They spend most of their time lying to themselves and the rest of the time lying to each other” (from “Something Is Wrong”)
  • Values come from experience. You cannot expect an inexperienced person (regardless of their age) to have solid/correct values. Even if they say something that sounds correct, that will all crumble and disappear the first time they face reality. Experience is the only thing that can help establish one’s values, not only because it will shape those values, but also because it will test them.